Refugee Health Program

Who We Serve

Through the Refugee Health Assessment Program (RHAP), newly arriving Refugees, Asylees, Cuban and Haitian Entrants (Parolees) and Victims of Human Trafficking (VOT) newly resettled into Stanislaus County are eligible to a free no cost health assessment funded by the state of California.

Refugee: Individuals that have had to leave their Country of origin for fear of persecution.

Asylees: Individuals who enter the U.S as students, tourists, businesspersons, or undocumented, and refuse to return to their country for fear of persecution if they return to their homeland.

Cuban and Haitian Entrants (Parolees): Cuba and Haiti Nationals, who enter the U.S. without proper documents, may be granted a temporary status by the U.S. known as “parole” until an immigration court can hear their asylum petition.

Victims of Human Trafficking (VOT): Victims of modern day slavery, which include children, teenagers, men and women, who are subjected to force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of sexual exploitation or forced labor.

In more recent years the populations that Stanislaus County serves are Refugees and Asylees. The Refugees and Asylees are referred to Stanislaus County Public Health for an intake Health Assessment from the local Resettlement Agencies. Each resettlement agency has 30 days to schedule a Health Assessment for the families; each family has 90 days from the date of arrival for a no cost health screening physical exam by a health care provider. At the health screening clients will go over lab results, any medical conditions, and mental health.

Clinic Information

Public Health Intake Assessment

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Stanislaus County Public Health
820 Scenic Drive
Modesto, CA 95350

Medical Evaluation

Fridays 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM

Family & Pediatric Health Center
820 Scenic Drive
Modesto, CA 95350

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