WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program

The WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program runs once a year for a limited time! In addition to their current WIC benefits, WIC families may qualify to receive a $30 voucher booklet (1 per family) to buy fresh and locally grown fruits, vegetables, and herbs at WIC-certified farmers' markets and farm stands.


Step 1: Must be currently enrolled in the WIC program

Apply for WIC or renew your WIC account by contacting us via
text: 888-413-8165 or call: 209-558-7377

Image focused on vegetables, a woman browsing vegetables in the background

Step 2: Meet us at the market!

Pick up your $30 voucher booklet at the Modesto or Turlock farmers' market from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the following dates and locations:

  • Modesto farmer's market: June 15, June 20, July 25 , August 10, August 24, September 14
  • Turlock farmer's market: June 8, June 29, September 28

For more information about Farmers' Market distribution dates click: (English) (Spanish).

Step3: Visit a participating market or farm stand to redeem your vouchers.

Last day to spend your $30 voucher booklet: November 30

  • Vouchers may ONLY be redeemed with WIC-authorized farmers' markets and farm stands. See above for locations.
  • Treat your vouchers like cash.
  • Vouchers can be used to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs ONLY.
  • Farmers may NOT give change or exchange the vouchers for money. Instead, ask for more produce.
  • Lost, stolen, or damaged vouchers will NOT be replaced.

For additional questions about the WIC farmers' market nutrition program, contact us:
WIC Text line: 888-413-8165

Call center: 209-558-7377

To submit a complaint against a Farmer/Farmers Market: Click here