California Children’s Services [CCS]

Mission Statement: Assuring the health of California’s children.

California Children’s Services is a statewide program that arranges, directs and pays for medical care, equipment, and rehabilitation, for children and young adults who have eligible medical conditions. However, it is important to know that CCS is not a health insurance plan and will not cover all of your child’s health needs, only the CCS eligible condition.

Who is eligible for CCS?

  • Age: Under 21 years of age.
  • Residence: Must be a current resident of Stanislaus County
  • Income: Family income must be less than $40,000 per year according to the adjusted gross income on your California taxes. A child may be eligible when the family income is more than $40,000 if you have full scope Medi-Cal no share of cost, or if medical care for the child’s CCS condition is expected to cost the family more than 20% of the family’s income. If your child is adopted your income may not be an issue. There is no financial eligibility requirement for diagnostic services or for services through the Medical Therapy Program.
  • Medical Conditions: Only certain conditions are eligible. In general, CCS covers medical conditions that are physically disabling or require medical, surgical, or rehabilitative services.

If your child’s doctor thinks that your child may have a medical condition that might be CCS-eligible, CCS may pay for or provide a medical evaluation to find out if it is actually covered.

Doctor with handicap child

If your child is eligible, CCS may pay for or provide:

  • Treatment, such as doctor services, hospital and surgical care, physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT), laboratory rest, X-rays, orthopedic appliances and medical equipment.
  • Medical Case management to help get special doctors and care for your child when medically necessary and referral to other agencies, including public health nursing and regional centers
  • Medical Therapy Program (MTP), which can provide PT, and/or OT in the Medical Therapy Unit for children who are medically eligible for these special services.

Anyone can refer a child to CCS, including parents. Ask your child’s doctor if your child has a medical condition eligible for CCS. After the referral the parents will fill out an application and/or financial eligibility form and meet all the requirements. CCS provides case management, diagnostic services, treatment services, Special Care Centers and Medical Therapy Services.

The Medical Therapy Program provides necessary PT and OT services to medically eligible children. There is a separate evaluation by the Medical Therapy Team. Medical eligibility for the MTP is in accordance with state standards and there is no financial eligibility.

Contact Information

California Children's Services
4701 Stoddard Rd
Modesto, CA 95356

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Contact Us:
Mailing Address: PO Box 3088 Modesto, CA 95353
Phone: (209) 558-7515
Fax: (209) 558-7862

Medical Therapy Unit
Sonoma Medical Therapy Unit
1325 Sonoma Ave.
Modesto, CA 95355

Monday - Friday

Contact Us:
Phone: (209) 558-8118
Fax: (209) 558-8620

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