High Risk Maternal and Child Health [HRMCH]

Who We Are

High Risk Maternal and Child Health Program serves families, pregnant women, teens and adults throughout Stanislaus County through home visitation programs. Public Health Nurses working in HRMCH focus on the overall health of children and parents. We provide resources, information and knowledge to care for yourself and your children.

What We Do

Public Health Nurses (PHN) provide home and community-based visits to families. Families typically have a medically high-risk infant or child (preemie, issues with weight gain, significant medical diagnosis, etc.), or struggle with social issues that impedes their ability to parent, family violence, or lack of community support.

What We Offer

A PHN provides a comprehensive assessment of physical condition, child growth and development, environment and resource needs; knowledge and understanding of the medical condition, treatments, medication, and care of their child; and parenting skills. A case plan is developed based on the family’s goals. Referrals to needed community resources and coordination with medical and other providers will occur along with education about infant/childcare, parenting, and specific medical condition. These services are offered at no cost to families.


Typically, families served have a medically high-risk infant or child however, there are no specific eligibility requirements. Services are provided free of cost.

Contact Information

Contact Us:
917 Oakdale Rd. Modesto, CA 95353
Phone 1: (209) 558-7400
Phone 2: 1-800-834-8171
Mon - Fri
8am - 12pm

Social Media Updates

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