Immunization Recommendations: Adults (19 years and older)
Immunizations aren't just for kids!
Everybody needs immunizations. Immunizations are not just for children but rather a lifelong and life-protecting activity. Vaccines are just as important as when you were a child. Vaccine preventable diseases remain active world-wide. As adults you may only need a booster of a childhood vaccination or additional vaccines depending on your health status, where you work and travel or recreation activities.
Recommended Immunizations
- CDC - Recommended Immunizations for Adults [PDF]
- Vaccinations for Adults: Download in English | Spanish
- Summary of Recommended Adult Immunizations [PDF]
Resources and Materials to download for Adults (19 years & older)
- Adult Vaccination Screening Form [PDF]
- Adolescent and Adult Vaccine Quiz
- CDC - Vaccine Preventable Adult Diseases
- Adult Vaccination Website